Sweden Game Pitch

17 teams will pitch their latest projects to a live and online audience and panel from the games industry at Sweden Game Pitch, during Sweden Game Conference. One team will also win Pitch of the Year.

Investors and publishers

At Sweden Game Pitch, during Sweden Game Conference, there will be possible to see the pitches both on-site in Skövde and online. There will be both early-stage pitches as well as more mature ones.

The early-stage projects will have additional time to receive feedback from a panel on-site at Sweden Game Conference, on the game and their business proposal.


Before the event, publishers and investors will be provided with one-pagers that gives a clear pitcure of what will be pitched.

Last Year's Jury


bibbi - Bibbi Wikman.jpeg
  • Business & Startup

Head of Brand & Business at Aurora Punks

DSC00953 - Sandra Neudinger.jpg
  • Business & Startup

Game Advisor & Founder of Unannounced Game Company

T_im - Tim Browne.jpg
  • Management
  • Game Design

CPO of Bright Gambit

Pitch of the Year

The team that presents the best pitch according to the panel wins the special prize Pitch of the Year.

Chris Coniglio, Director and Founder of Silent Factory
"It was a privilege to pitch alongside such an great group of studios and games. We've been working on our pitch together with help from professionals in Skellefteå and all of Sweden our pitch for a while now. It's an honor to win an award for all the hard work, and we're incredibly grateful to Sweden Game Arena for the opportunity to showcase Red Metal!"

Chris Coniglio, Director and Founder of Silent Factory

Pitching Teams 2024

Housefire_logo - Housefire.png
MoonFlameGames_logo - IsaVII (IsaVII).png
MOIDI_Interactive_logo - Gamerdiff Studios.png
MardrömInteractive_logo - Fredric Mourath.png
Transcenders_logo - Bobbi Augustine Sand.png
studioSture_logo - Ius.png
SpeldosaInteractive_logo - Speldosa Interactive.png
StudioNorthshade_logo - Linda Inghammar.png
TinyNomads_logo - Jad Tawbi.png
StudioDownstairs_logo - Studio Downstairs.png
silentfactory_logo - Christopher Coniglio.png
RedCabinGames_logo - Jonas.png
Nordic Tales Interactive_logo - Nordic Tales Interactive.png
allvis_logo - Allvis STHLM.png
GibbetGames_logo - Gibbet Games.png
glimeriastudios_logo - Henric Aryee.png
GlowfishGames_White - Oscar Rickett.png
jetebra_logo_vit_tee - sparkly can.png