Sweden Game Pitch

Pitch your latest project to a live and online audience and panel from the games industry at Sweden Game Pitch, during Sweden Game Conference, and have the opportunity to win Pitch of the Year.

What is Sweden Game Pitch?

Sweden Game Pitch is a pitch event where you present your project to the games industry and get valuable feedback. Previous panelist and audience members represents companies such as Thunderful, Coffee Stain Publishing and Embracer.

What is included?

As a pitching team, you will get access to:

  • 2 tickets to Sweden Game Conference (on-site in Skövde)
  • Tickets to the matchmaking system
  • Business Day Mixer

How do I apply?

Fill out the application form below before September 8th.

Once you have applied, the business coaches at Sweden Game Pitch will determine if the pitch is ready for Sweden Game Pitch or not through a pitch evaluation session.

Pitch of the Year

The team that presents the best pitch according to the panel wins the special prize Pitch of the Year.

Tilla Segerstedt, CEO of Aurora Arts
"It feels incredibly exciting to win, considering there were so many great pitches and games showcased. We've been working on the pitch and fine-tuning it with help from the industry, the startup program, and our game community here in Skövde. To have it confirmed that our work have created a pitch worthy of this award feels wonderful!"

Tilla Segerstedt, CEO of Aurora Arts

Publishers and investors

At Sweden Game Pitch, during Sweden Game Conference, there will be possible to see the pitches both on-site in Skövde and online. There will be both early-stage pitches as well as more mature ones. The early-stage projects will have additional time to receive feedback from a panel on-site at Sweden Game Conference, on the game and their business proposal.


Before the event, publishers and investors will be provided with one-pagers that gives a clear pitcure of what will be pitched.
