DONNA DAY: Program for students

Schedule for Tuesday, Oct 24

Theme: How to take control of your own career - self management and self leadership

11:30 Registration and lunch buffé

12:00 Introduction - Welcome!

12:10 Introducing the mentors

12:30 Keynote: Geneviève Routhier, Studio Art Director EA DICE "The Road Less Traveled".

13:00-15:15 Session 1: Working in the games industry

13:00-14:00 Roundtable discussions
Introduce yourself, get to know the mentors and your peers
How to work as a…
Working abroad

14:00 Micro talk: Matilde Hansen-Walmsness (Thunderful) "Advice on self-leadership"

14:15 Micro talk Alice Bowman (MAG Interactive) "Don't Speak Over Me"

14:30 Fika and mingle

14:45 Roundtable discussions
Self management
Work life balance
How to navigate the workplace

15:15-17:00 Session 2: We are all game developers

15:15 Micro talk: Lydia Andrew (EA DICE) "Bringing our whole selves to work"
Panel: "Bringing our whole selves to work", Ruth Atkinson, Sofie Wikström, Agnieszka Molska Jakobson, Lydia Andrew

16:00 Roundtable discussions
How to get a job
Imposter syndrom
Career paths in the industry

16:45 Wrap up

17:00 End

18:00-23:00 DONNA DAY DINNER PARTY! Hosted by Coffee Stain Studios and Embracer Group 18:00 Dinner at Sällskapet
20:00-23:00 Party at Coffee Stain Studios!

Schedule for Wednesday, Oct 25

08:30 Breakfast and mingle

09:00 - 11:45 Workshops
Alexandra Dahlberg, Thunderful: "How to write believable dialogue"
Lotta Sörensen, Star Stable: "Art direction - how to?"
Sara Locher & Kristina Björkman, Science Park Skövde: "Sweden Game Startup program"
Studio visit Aurora Arts

12:00-13:00 - Lunch: Mentors, partners, organizers, students, alumni